Your Unfiltered Search Engine

Search the web with Artificial Intelligence; all controlled by you.

Welcome to Your Unfiltered Search Engine. No more dependence on inductive reasoning of existing search engines. You get to drive the Artificial Intelligence of your search engine.
Post image for the public board postShows the public board on the browser and the board settings on the android phone

Apply A.I. algorithms to pinpoint your queries. Remove the noise and narrative.

Data Analyzing

Allows you to quickly parse, discover, read and share.


Share the stories & searches that you discover with message services.


Updates every 15 minutes. Holds the past five days of data

Geographic Visulization

Maps allows you to visualize where the stories are generated relative to you.

Geo Fencing

Keep up to date with local, regional, national or global stories.

Your search tool box

Create and save searches that interest you.


Our existing search technology is amazing. We, from a mobile device, can find out just about anything about anything. The list of possibilities is endless. I’ve recently used the web for the following things:

  • Take tours of Machu Picchu & Louvre Museum in the same afternoon
  • Take MIT classes via the MIT OpenCourseWare project
  • Learn how to rebuild an engine on a 1979 Kawasaki motorcycle

The flaw with the existing models is that they do not have the ability to determine what the user is looking for without using inductive reasoning.  When a request is made of the existing textbox search tool that is highly detailed, as outlined above, good results are found.  However there are a number of issues the existing model fails to address:

  • What happens when I want to be able to look for a primary result based on secondary data?
  • What if I do not want to give the search engine lots of data points about me so they can use that data to try and guess what I’m looking for?
  • What if I want to control the data inputs so I can draw relationships between the inputs and results?
  • What if I want a transparent search engine?  How do the algorithms work?

Enter the Unfiltered Search Engine.  No cookies, no inductive reasoning, you control the inputs that derive the results.  You build the queries and order the results.

Start Searching


The world is beautiful, vibrant and alive. We need tools that allow us to see the magnificence of the people that call this home

Caleb Skinner

Download it and give it a try!

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need continued

The ability to take this massive & never-ending deluge of information and parse it into something meaningful is very impressive. However, there are flaws with linguistic centric and non-transparent search engines. The attempt to shape narrative, ease your choices by limiting access to information and drive social behavior through controlling what surfaces is reminisce of an old-fashioned book burning. I strongly believe that people are intelligent and beautiful creations. We in the tech community do not need to be filtering content for them. We do not need to shape the narrative. We need to provide them with the tools or Artificial Intelligence needed to perform the task and let them come up with the processes to get to the data that they want to see. is taking this objective head on and giving users the ability to search by all the data points and Artificial Intelligence algorithms in the gdeltproject.

  • Geo Fence/Location
  • Names (person/place/thing)
  • Tone
  • Positive Score
  • Negative Score
  • Word Count
  • Created On
  • Organizations
  • Title
  • Polarity
  • Source
  • Active Reference Density
  • Self-Group Reference Density
  • Themes
  • Lexicons
  • Dates

This list of data points can be filtered & ordered just about any way imaginable by you. These searches can be saved and shared with friends. This gives you the best opportunity to quickly use a number of different data points to retrieve information. You are no longer limited to a small string of text. You want to see positive news within 200 miles of you? No problem. You want to see what the web has regarding stories that are themed about technology with a medical lexicon? can do that. How about negative political stories about law? Got that covered as well. Try it out! Your viewpoint on web will be drastically altered after using this.

Start Searching